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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A memory that brings joy and tears

I was searching for something in my closet yesterday and found a rubbermaid box. I looked in the box to remember what was in there........when I saw these sweet little white boxes, my heart immediately became heavy. These boxes were given to me at the hospital. The contents inside are very precious to me.......a picture of Matthew and Harris dressed in sweet little white shirts and a sweet white cap (both of these outfits were placed in each box), a footprint imprinted in plaster, footprints stamped on a card, and a sweet note from all of the nurses who were there tending to my boys and me! It amazes me how I think about my boys every day, but it isn't until I am hit with a visible memory from that day, that my heart becomes heavy and I am frozen for a few minutes. I am so very blessed I can sit here and type about what a happy day that was also! I am so thankful for my survivor, Will! He has brought me so much joy and he amazes me every day! I also truly feel if Matthew and Harris had lived, sweet Ben and Ann Phelps wouldn't be in our lives - God knows what I can handle!!! Even though I never got to hear Matthew and Harris cry, or I never looked into their eyes, I can have peace knowing one day I will get to see them running to me when I join them in Heaven!! God is so good ALL the time!!!!


Paula said...

beautiful. What a hope we have!

mary_ball said...

When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll. Whate'er be my lot, thou hath taught me to say "It is well, it is well, with my soul" Precious.

Grandmother said...

Beth, I think about the day you showed me the boxes in your hospital room. I think of them a lot too. I also thank God for our Will. Yes, God is good.

Laura said...

Beth, you are so dear!

Teresa Moore said...

Sweet Beth, that day will always be imprinted on my heart! As nurses, we meet so many parents and families but certain ones steal our hearts and we form lifelong friendships that are forever in our hearts. I feel so blessed to have been Will's nurse at the delivery and in the NICU, watching him change every day and getting stronger. He is a courageous young man!! I know that we will see Matthew and Harris again when we go to be with the Lord. What a wonderful, sweet promise from the Lord - that leaving this world is NOT the end, only the beginning for Christians. Taking care of Will and getting to know you, your husband, and your family was a most wonderful blessing for me. I love all of you!