? ??????????????Leave The Lights On? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.0 (1 Rating)??87 Grabs Today. 666 Total Grabs.
??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Stoned Love? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (2 Ratings)??87 Grabs Today. 608 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? ????E BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, May 21, 2010

One week down, 12 to go!

playing choo-choo

Will's invention

We have come to the end of our first week of summer! I tried to keep the kids busy and just when I thought they were worn out, they would catch a 4th wind!!! It is such a blessing for me to be able to stay home and make these memories with my kids (thanks, Rhyne)! Some of our events this week included: playing at the park, playing in the fountain at the yogurt place, visiting friends, pump-it-up, eating at Chick-fil-a twice, playing with the water hose outside, and going to Target 3 times!! I only got a few pictures - I haven't mastered taking pictures and controlling the crowd yet.

Some funny things that happened:

*Ben crying for 30 mins. in Target because I wouldn't buy him a woman's purple swim suit - he kept saying, "I want the purple one!" He does this in every store- he picks one thing to cry about.

*We are eating at Chick-fil-a and this older lady comes up to Ann Phelps and says, "Look at you, little piggy." Will then yells, "She is NOT a pig!!"

*Twice this week someone has asked me if Will and Ben are twins

*Ben - the thief - Hooks. This week he has "stolen" a butter knife, scissors, $100 bill, Rhyne's debit card, toothpaste, and my chap stick. He takes these things and hides them - very sneaky!

*Ben and Ann Phelps playing choo-choo in the laundry basket. It is so sweet to see Ben take such sweet care of "him" - Ben calls Ann Phelps him??

*Ann Phelps eating guacamole because it is on her moms's plate - she will try anything if it comes from my plate.

*Will making some pretty incredible inventions (see picture)

*Me being totally exhausted at 9:00pm and looking back at a memory filled day - priceless!!