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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Better than a Birthday

Today is Mother's Day. I spent almost 5 years dreading Mother's Day. Back then, it was a day that was painful. I was on my infertility journey and going through a day that celebrated what I couldn't be was so hard. I try so hard to remember those feelings so I will never take a second of motherhood for granted. I always wake up on this day and pray for those sweet women who are going through this day and dreading it. I will always feel that bond. God so graciously chose to answer "yes" to my prayers about motherhood. Even going through so much to have this family, I would not change a thing. God allowed me to grow up so much so I could be the type of mom my kids need. He brought me closer to Him - what a blessing. Now, I will not sit here and tell you that my days are blissful and carefree - I had to post the "Love Chapter" (1Corinthians 13) on my wall to remind myself to "love" my children the way God intended. But even on our worst days, I still feel completely blessed beyond measure! So, every Mother's Day since Will was born has been more special to me than my birthday. I wake up more excited than if it were my birthday. I will always view my children as gifts from God, precious gifts not every woman gets to open! Today is better than a birthday for sure!


Robyn Jones Clark said...

that was beautiful beth! i'll never forget your first shower.. i know how you feel. it hasn't happened for us and hopefully it will. it's hard when it seems everyone is pregnant. i am grateful for good health and know that when the time is right it will happen. if its not meant to be then he will provide a way to be a mother in another way :)