? ??????????????Leave The Lights On? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.0 (1 Rating)??87 Grabs Today. 666 Total Grabs.
??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Stoned Love? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (2 Ratings)??87 Grabs Today. 608 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? ????E BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, July 23, 2010

A Picture Diary

AP got a tutu and new sparkle shoes

She enjoyed being an only child for
a whole week while the boys were
in Carrollton

We have new lunch boxes for school
Will picked out the race car, Ben has Buzz!

Both boys moved up to big boy car seats

Will got a Mr. Potato Head for his birthday -
I was tired of all three fighting over his potato
head, I bought Ben and AP one too!!

We are trying to get AP to completely
give up the bottle - she only has one
before bed - the Dora cups have helped
big time - she thinks she is like her brothers
drinking from a big cup!

I took the boys to see Nick Jr. Live!
Here is one of the $15 lights that
they no longer have interest in!!

My souvenir from the show -
I had to have something to carry
the expensive souvenirs in!

One of Will's many inventions-
I don't understand the Mr. Potato Head
parts around the crane boom?

I feel like my kids (my boys especially) have spent the majority of July visiting with grandparents! I haven't been good about having my camera handy, so I have gone back and taken pics of most of the things we have been up to! We are now in countdown mode for school - my boys are excited!!


Aunt Kay and Uncle James said...

Sweet, sweet photos. I love AP's tutu. I did not realize Mr. Potato Head was part of Toy Story 3 until I was in Walmart the other day & saw it on the toy. Mr. Potato Head was around when we were children. James said he had one when he was a child but he had to use a real potato. I don't remember that since I did not own one. Give the kids a big hug & kiss from Aunt Kay & Uncle James. We love ya'll & enjoyed Will's birthday pary. Try to stay cool---It is suffocating here in the delta. I just love seeing all these neat photos & so glad you share them with all of us. Technology is amazing these days.